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home brew中文

用"home brew"造句"home brew" in a sentence"home brew"怎麼讀"home brew"的同義詞


  • 家釀(譬酒
  • 起始聚集


  • Farmer my home brew sneaks up on you , it curdles your durdles ,
  • Farmer ) my home brew sneaks up on you , it curdles your durdles ,
  • ( farmer ) my home brew sneaks up on you , it curdles your durdles ,
  • Subject to all the above requirements for home brewing , you are also not required to pay duty on the liquor so manufactured
  • Enjoy the shanghaiexpat 2nd summer bbq this year ! join us for all - you - can - eat barbeque and home brewed beer every sunday of the month
  • Please be reminded that in contravention of the requirements for home brewing , you will be liable to prosecution and the liquor manufactured will then not be exempt from duty
  • At any particular point of time , you do not keep or are not in possession , anywhere in hong kong , of liquor purported to be manufactured from home brewing of a total quantity exceeding 50 litres
  • For the purpose of home brewing in any premises conducted in accordance with the above conditions , you are allowed without a licence to possess in those premises any utensil or apparatus , other than a still or part of a still , for manufacturing the liquor , together with fermenting or fermented materials not exceeding 60 litres
    為按上述條件在任何處所進行家中自釀制酒,你可以在并無領有牌照的情況下在該處所內管有用作制造有關酒類的用具或器具(但蒸餾器或其任何部分除外) ,以及不超逾60升的發酵中或已發酵的物料。
  • At any particular point of time , a total quantity exceeding 50 litres of liquor purported to be manufactured from home brewing should not be kept in any premises where home - brewed liquor is made ; and the liquor so manufactured , unless for immediate consumption , is stored in sealed containers marked legibly the words " home brewed , not for sale " or words to the same effect
    如此制造的酒類如非供即時飲用,須即貯存在密封容器內,而該等容器上須以清楚可閱形式標明家中自釀,不得售賣或有" homebrewed , notforsale "的字眼或具相同意思的字眼。
用"home brew"造句  


  • an alcoholic beverage (especially beer) made at home


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